Plan Your Fun Lazy Bear Getaway in Guerneville!
Are you ready for some summertime fun with da Bears?! LGBTQ+ travelers are planning their annual pilgrimage to Guerneville, California for Lazy Bear Week on July 31- August 7, 2023. So get ready for another FUNdraising that includes all things furry with pool parties, beach parties, dance parties, campfires, trivia, bingo, mini golf, and a whole lot more!
Remember to check out our Guerneville Travel Guide to find out the best places to eat, stay, and play even if you don’t make it for Lazy Bear. Here are the details for this year’s event!

Lazy Bear Fund, Inc. puts on one of the largest and most successful bear gatherings in the world. Lazy Bear Week is their annual, signature event. For over 25 years they have entertained thousands of guests in Guerneville, California in the heart of Sonoma County’s Russian River Valley.

Attendees can expect to enjoy everything from pool parties to campfires and live entertainment. Most revelers stay in local lodges, campgrounds, and cabins, or avail themselves of any number of options in nearby towns and cities.
While you’re enjoying your long, lazy weekend, remember that all of the profits go to charity. The Lazy Bear Fund has raised over $2.2 million for worthy causes and they just keep going! Some of the organizations that receive donations include West County Health Centers, The Positive Resource Center, and Food for Thought, a local food bank.
Schedule of Events
The Lazy Bear 2023 Schedule of Events is full of some beary fun, flirty and furry events that you won’t want to miss, including:
- Kaftan Pool Party
- Campfire: Onesies in the Woods Party
- Ice Cream Socials
- Movie Nights
- Trivia Nights
- DJs and Music
- Tea Dances
- Hikes
- Smoke on the Water Social
- More Campfires
- More Pool Parties
- More, more, more!
For a full schedule of events, head to

So, what are you waiting for? Register today by getting your BEAR TAG!
Bear Tags

A Bear Tag is the physical representation of your donation for the annual Lazy Bear Week. At the events, presenting/wearing the Bear Tag allows free or discounted admission. In addition, vendors and merchants may offer discounts and perks for a limited time to those wearing/presenting Bear Tags.
Bear Tags can be picked up starting Monday, August 1 at the event Headquarters. Tags will continue to be available throughout the week until the close of Headquarters on Saturday, August 6. Please bring a printed copy of your confirmation, as cellular service can be spotty.

Housing Forum
The Lazy Bear Fund Inc. and Lazy Bear Week are not responsible for finding accommodations for event attendees. However, some attendees have inquired about where they can stay. Hotels and campgrounds fill up fast and many are sold out with waiting lists.
For this reason, Lazy Bear provides a Housing Forum to exchange housing needs and wants for Lazy Bear attendees. Visit Lazy Bear’s Forum page to inquire or offer a room to rent.
For a list of public accommodations in the area visit the Russian River Chamber of Commerce website. There are also numerous VRBO and Airbnb options in Guerneville and its vicinity.
Lazy Bear Week would not be possible if it were not for the generous help and support of the volunteers!
If you would like to volunteer, fill out and submit THIS FORM. A Volunteer Coordinator will follow up with you after you have submitted your contact information in the form.

For more information about Lazy Bear Week, visit
Follow them on Facebook and Instagram
This article was originally published on our sister website, Bear World Magazine.